For many men, when they reach climax during sex, they ejaculate (or cum). However, not all orgasms involve ejaculation, and some men experience multiple orgasms without ejaculation at all.
Premature ejaculation can also happen if you have an orgasm that does not involve ejaculation. So, what’s the difference between an orgasm and an ejaculation? Read on to find out!
The difference between orgasm and ejaculation
Many people mistakenly use the terms orgasm and ejaculation interchangeably, but there is a difference between these two processes. An orgasm is actually a release of sexual tension that can result in an intense feeling of pleasure and satisfaction for a person during sexual activity.
The term ejaculation refers to the expulsion of semen through ejaculatory ducts at orgasm (usually during sexual intercourse). A person cannot ejaculate without having an orgasm, but it can happen that a person has an orgasm without ejaculating.
Female ejaculate, which is also known as vaginal fluid or female orgasms, can sometimes be confused for male ejaculate because it looks similar in consistency and colour to semen. However, both experience different sensations
Female orgasm vs Male Orgasm
Female orgasm is an intense physical and emotional response to sexual stimulation, Women often report experiencing an orgasm as a sensation of release or escape from pain, which typically is followed by feelings of relaxation or peace.
Further women can experience multiple orgasms in sequence during a single episode of sexual activity.
Male experience orgasm differently, generally a male only experiences orgasm after ejaculating sperm while masturbating or during sexual activity with partner; if he has an orgasm without ejaculation it is known as dry orgasm.
There are several factors that contribute to delay of ejaculation in men, of which some can be treated and some not. you can refer to how to last longer in bed for more information on preventing premature ejaculate.
A man who suffers from delayed ejaculation will experience difficulty when climaxing due to anxiety about losing control over his sexual performance or because of erectile dysfunction.
Female Ejaculation vs Male Ejaculation
Many women can have orgasms that are separate from sexual intercourse and may or may not involve ejaculation. The clitoris also has a little gland known as Skene’s gland (or paraurethral glands) which is said to be where female ejaculate comes from.
These glands empty into the urethra, where they mix with fluids during sexual activity to form what is called female ejaculate. Female ejaculate is made up of secretions from these glands, some vaginal lubrication, urine, and other substances like prostatic fluid and sweat.
Male ejaculation is the release of semen during sexual activity containing sperm cells as well as fluids like prostatic fluid and precum that come out of the penis during arousal.
When a man reaches orgasm, his testicles pull up closer to his body so the sperm can shoot out from the head of his penis in order to enter into a woman’s vagina.
During orgasm, men typically experience pleasurable contractions throughout their pelvic region; most notably in their anus, rectum and muscles surrounding their genitals.
Men usually have one more contraction after they finish ejaculating before it all goes down- unlike women who continue to feel pleasure after sexual climax.
How to achieve orgasm without ejaculating
To achieve orgasm and not ejaculate, focus on pelvic floor muscles (PC muscle) contractions during orgasm.
You can do this by using Kegel exercises or contracting these muscles as hard as you can while masturbating or being stimulated
During orgasm, if you want to prevent an ejaculation, try to tighten your PC muscle at the same time that you feel like you are about to come
The build-up before orgasm is intense and will help distract from the urge to have an orgasm
Another technique for preventing an ejaculate is to try squeezing the penis head with fingers just below where it connects with body
Strengthening pelvic muscles may help you keep from ejaculating
The benefits of orgasm without ejaculation
list the benefits of orgasm without ejaculating. If a person does not ejaculate, they will have more sexual stamina and enjoy their partner more. It also can help with prostate health and reduce stress levels in the body.
It is not advised to do this every time but when appropriate it can be beneficial to both partners. When done properly there should be no mess. Another benefit to having an orgasm without ejaculating is that there are less calories consumed during the event.

Intense Pleasure
It usually happens after the person has an orgasm during sex or masturbation, but it can happen without any sexual stimulation at all.
Basically, there are three fluids that come out of a man’s penis: pre-ejaculate (a fluid that comes out before ejaculating), semen (the fluid that contains sperm), and post-ejaculate (a fluid that comes out after the other two fluids).
There are many factors which play role on reaching Intense pleasure such as length of time since last ejaculation, a person’s sensitivity to touch, location of the touch(s) (some people only enjoy being touched below their waist while others enjoy being touched everywhere!), and even thoughts in someone’s head. Another factor is foreplay
Sexual Climax
sexual climax is when a person reaches orgasm, or a high point of excitement, pleasurable tension, release of emotional tension, and pleasure. The person then typically has a period of relaxation and rest before resuming activity.
Sexual arousal can be triggered by anything from fantasies to physical contact. With an orgasm, contractions in both male and female genitalia create intense pleasure that may also spread to other parts of the body.
It is possible for men to ejaculate without an orgasm but not vice versa because it takes longer for women to reach sexual cliamx than men do.
Premature Ejaculation
As highlighted previously ejaculation is what happens at the end of an orgasm, when a man’s prostate gland releases semen that travels through his urethra and out of his penis.
It usually takes anywhere from one to two minutes for ejaculation to happen, although it can take longer for some men (delayed ejaculation) and shorter for others.
However, many men suffer from Premature ejaculation which happens when a man ejaculates very quickly, some men ejaculate during foreplay for example, or even before he penetrates the woman. If you have premature ejaculation, there are things you can do to prolong your orgasm such as:
relaxing your pelvic muscles before penetration
thinking about other things during sex
using condoms or sexual lubricant
pelvic floor exercises
monitor breathing levels
Other factors which can cause premature ejaculation such as stress or other physiological related matters.
Sexual Arousal
sexual arousal is when blood flow increases to your genitals and a man can get an erection and a woman may feel more sensitive and tingly down there.
Some people even experience short periods of light-headedness or dizziness, as well as other feelings of pleasure and in extreme cases reaching sexual climax.
These sensations are caused by a touch to the clitoris (women) or penis (men), rubbing against something else, touching the nipples, or fantasizing about something that turns you on.
If you have reached this point, then you have already experienced sexual arousal. sexual arousal can be a factor of reaching maximum sexual climax during the sexual activity as it stimulates and release the right hormones for a person reaches the pinnacle of pleasure and that is normally in the form of multiple orgasms for women and ejaculation for men.