The Shocking Truth About Guilt After Masturbation

Guilt After Masturbation

Masturbation is something that most people at least consider doing, whether they end up doing it or not. It’s common to feel guilty about this, as though you’re doing something wrong —but why? Where does that feeling come from? In this post, we will explore the idea of guilt after masturbation and why it makes […]

Sexual Reflexology: can be used to increase sexual pleasure.

Sexual reflexology

Sexual reflexology is the practice of stimulating pressure points on the feet, hands and ears to increase pleasure during sex. These reflex points in the body can help increase blood flow to key areas, increasing arousal and improving sexual performance. Whether you’re single or in a committed relationship, you should learn how to incorporate sexual […]

9 Things to Know about Clitoral Erection

Women Erection

When it comes to women’s arousal, there are two major ways that the clitoris can become engorged with increase blood flow and therefore enlarged in size. These ways are clitoral erections and vaginal erections, with the former having far less popular recognition than the latter. That’s probably because vaginal erections are visible and clitoral erections […]

Viagra: Everything you need to know


Viagra, also known as sildenafil, has become one of the most well-known medications used to treat erectile dysfunction. The drug works by helping to relax the muscles in the penis, which leads to an increase in blood flow and cause it to stand erect. It can be used by both men and women and is […]

Erectile Dysfunction: 6 Tips

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction can be incredibly frustrating, not only to the patient but also to the person they are in a relationship with. For men who suffer from it, finding help can sometimes seem impossible; many people find pills to be ineffective or intolerable and turn to prostrate surgery as their last resort. If this has […]

6 Tips On How To Be Yourself When Dating


We’ve all had that moment in our lives when we’re on a date and we realize we’ve become someone else entirely just to impress our partner or win their affection. In other words, we lose our true selves. While you might think this will make you more attractive, it can have the opposite effect and […]

Trust And Sexual Pleasure: Why They Matter In A Relationship

relationship trust

If you’re committed to your partner, and he or she is committed to you, then the last thing you want to do with that person is hurt him or her emotionally. Yet, at the same time, you know that you’re not perfect and that your partner isn’t either. So how do you reconcile these two […]

What does menstruation look like?

Period Colour

You’re probably already familiar with the concept of menstruation as it pertains to the female body. Most women are able to anticipate when they’ll menstruate each month, and they have no problem recognizing when they’re bleeding or spotting. Yet there is one thing that most women don’t think about when it comes to menstruation: what […]

Menstrual Hygiene


Menstruation. It’s not a topic that most of us are taught to feel comfortable talking about, nor one that we usually bring up in polite company. However, the truth is that many people in the world face silent struggles on this issue, and when the taboo surrounding it prevents people from getting the information, they […]