You’re probably already familiar with the concept of menstruation as it pertains to the female body. Most women are able to anticipate when they’ll menstruate each month, and they have no problem recognizing when they’re bleeding or spotting. Yet there is one thing that most women don’t think about when it comes to menstruation: what does it look like? What color, consistency, and texture does it have? What do you see in the bathroom after you clean yourself up?

The Basics
Periods are caused by the release of an egg from the ovaries and blood from the uterus that is expelled through the vagina when a woman isn’t pregnant. It’s important to know what your cycle looks like because if you’re not sure when you’re ovulating, you may not be able to get pregnant. Plus, there are a number of menstrual products out there that might help make life more comfortable during your period- including tampons and pads.
Blood Flow Vs. Menstrual Fluid
Blood flow is lighter than menstrual fluid and can be seen with a pad or tampon as a dark spot on the fabric. Menstrual fluid is heavier and wetter and can be seen as a dark spot on the fabric or underwear. The color of your menstrual fluid can range from light pink to dark red, but if it looks black or has clumps in it, you should see your doctor right away!
No More Disposables
It’s not something a lot of people talk about or know much about, but periods are just as normal and natural as anything else you do in your life. They’re actually really interesting too!
First of all, periods only happen when a girl has gone through puberty (or reached puberty). A girl can start her period any time between the ages of 10-16 and will usually get them for anywhere from 3 to 5 days each month.
The Environment
Today I learned what periods actually look like. Sure, I knew about the blood and the cramps but I never really thought about what it looks like on the outside. Turns out there is a lot of variation in how your period can present itself to you depending on where you are in your cycle and if you have any hormonal changes going on – we’ve all had those times when our periods are unexpectedly lighter or heavier than normal!
Reusable Menstrual Cups in Action
That’s why we created a blog that shows what using a reusable menstrual cup is really like: no leaks, no messes and most importantly, no waste!